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Welcome to the Observatory!

This site is intended for anyone interested in astronomy, and particularly anyone who would like to be a member of the Bootham School Astronomy Society. This membership is available to all members of the Bootham community, and students from other York schools who have attended the ISSP course on astronomy at Bootham. If you choose to subscribe by email, you will receive an email of any new post within about twenty four hours. There will also be twitter updates before an observatory session, and you are recommended to follow me on twitter using the button on the right of this screen.

Saturday, 30 March 2013


Time: Sun Mar 31 3:53 AM, Visible: 1 min, Max Height: 55 degrees, Appears: ESE, Disappears: ESE

Friday, 29 March 2013


Time: Sat Mar 30 3:41 AM, Visible: 3 min, Max Height: 51 degrees, Appears: SSW, Disappears: ESE

Thursday, 28 March 2013


Time: Fri Mar 29 4:30 AM, Visible: 5 min, Max Height: 43 degrees, Appears: W, Disappears: ESE


Time: Fri Mar 29 2:57 AM, Visible: 2 min, Max Height: 54 degrees, Appears: ESE, Disappears: E

Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Time: Thu Mar 28 3:46 AM, Visible: 3 min, Max Height: 57 degrees, Appears: SSW, Disappears: ESE

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Time: Wed Mar 27 4:34 AM, Visible: 5 min, Max Height: 54 degrees, Appears: W, Disappears: ESE


Time: Wed Mar 27 3:01 AM, Visible: 1 min, Max Height: 44 degrees, Appears: ESE, Disappears: E

Monday, 25 March 2013


Time: Tue Mar 26 5:23 AM, Visible: 1 min, Max Height: 48 degrees, Appears: W, Disappears: W


Time: Tue Mar 26 3:50 AM, Visible: 3 min, Max Height: 52 degrees, Appears: S, Disappears: E

Sunday, 24 March 2013


Time: Mon Mar 25 4:39 AM, Visible: 4 min, Max Height: 57 degrees, Appears: WSW, Disappears: ESE

Saturday, 23 March 2013


Time: Sun Mar 24 5:28 AM, Visible: 2 min, Max Height: 56 degrees, Appears: W, Disappears: WSW


Time: Sun Mar 24 3:54 AM, Visible: 3 min, Max Height: 40 degrees, Appears: SSE, Disappears: E

Friday, 22 March 2013


Time: Sat Mar 23 4:43 AM, Visible: 3 min, Max Height: 48 degrees, Appears: SW, Disappears: ESE

Thursday, 21 March 2013


Time: Fri Mar 22 5:32 AM, Visible: 2 min, Max Height: 54 degrees, Appears: WSW, Disappears: SW

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Time: Wed Mar 20 5:37 AM, Visible: 2 min, Max Height: 43 degrees, Appears: WSW, Disappears: SSW

Monday, 18 March 2013

Another chance to visit

The weather all this week is set to be atrocious, but on Wednesday, I'll open the observatory for the ISSP group anyway. If you didn't get over before, come for a look around at 7pm - 8.30pm. If the sky clears at all, we can do some observing, but otherwise we can just have a look at the facilities.

Friday, 15 March 2013

I can't believe it!

For exactly the hour between 7.30 and 8.30 pm, the sky cleared over Bootham, and the small select group who came along got to see a range of interesting phenomena. The lunar crater Cleomedes, just north of the Mare Crisium, all four Moons of Jupiter, as well as the north and south equatorial belts, the Pleiades star cluster, The Great Orion nebula and many lovely stars. As if by magic, the clouds slid back into place at exactly half past eight, like the safety curtain in a theatre.

This was most unexpected, and all very exciting. see you all at the next meeting I hope...

Oh dear

Thick cloud over York. I don't think it very likely that we'll see anything tonight. I've left this as late as I could in the hope of a break in the weather, but nothing has opened up yet. I'll be there to give a guided tour of the observatory for any of you who come, but I can't promise any comets...

Tonight's ISSP event

Not looking that great at the moment (07:55) but they are giving sunshine and showers for the North East this afternoon, so things might pick up. Please check this site, or twitter before you decide to come in - if the sky is cloudy, we can always try again next week.

However, if everything looks good, please come into the school and meet at the science block, where we ran the ISSP session on saturday. Parking at the school will be tight tonight, as we have a big concert on in the school hall, so please park up on the area near the school pitch.


19:00 - session starts - short introduction.
19:20 - looking for PanSTARRS - I haven't seen it yet either, so fingers crossed...
19:40 - the Moon and Jupiter - everyone will get a go at drawing what they see, so be prepared!
20:00 - the late winter sky - a starhopping tour for those new to stargazing.
20:30 - end of session.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Grant from the Institute of Physics

I am very pleased to announce that our observatory has been awarded a very generous grant from the Institute of Physics, to help us set up our own seismometer at Bootham. With it, we will be able to listen to the world at the same time as we watch the skies. Somehow, I feel sure that adding an "Earth Observatory" to our repertoire is a sensible thing to attempt, and when we get the seismometer reporting via a datalogger, we will post its output on this site.

Will you get a view of comet panSTARRS?

Sky and Telescope magazine has this excellent guide on where to look - it makes no difference that they are in the USA. If the sky is clear this Friday, it will be the first object we try to spot, using the roof binoculars.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

ISSP 2013 going well

The first half of the ISSP was lovely, and we were able to cover plenty of material on constellations and stars. The group worked really hard, and I am looking forward to seeing them all next week. If the sky is clear, I would like to invite any of this year's ISSP intake for an observing night on Friday 15th March, from 7pm until 8.30pm - don't forget to bring a grown-up with you - they are handy for lifts! Follow me on twitter for instant updates about the event.