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Welcome to the Observatory!

This site is intended for anyone interested in astronomy, and particularly anyone who would like to be a member of the Bootham School Astronomy Society. This membership is available to all members of the Bootham community, and students from other York schools who have attended the ISSP course on astronomy at Bootham. If you choose to subscribe by email, you will receive an email of any new post within about twenty four hours. There will also be twitter updates before an observatory session, and you are recommended to follow me on twitter using the button on the right of this screen.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Oh well, better luck next time!

At least we all got to meet up again- what a pity the cloud wouldn't let us see much. Still, it was really fun meeting up with the team and their parents, so keep checking in here for a repeat evening in october some time. I'll try to keep posting things to this blog in the meantime...